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2018 – Ten Squared Plus Five

At last, the Rochester Modern Quilt Guild’s first show, “Taking Flight,” is over (September 29) and I’ve nearly recovered. It was a huge success; we had lots of visitors, lots of quilts, and lots of happy vendors. It was also a huge job creating a show out of whole cloth, a job I’m glad to pass along to another guild member.


“Taking Flight” – inaugural show by Rochester Modern Quilt Guild, September 29, 2018

So, here is a quilt I made for the show. You can also see it hanging lower center in the show photo.


Ten Squared Plus Five

I used three packs of mini-charms (2-1/2″ squares) sorted by color, then added a few extra black squares to counterbalance at the bottom. To contrast with all those straight lines, I quilted it in a spiral on my Viking.


Ten Squared Plus Five – center quilting


Ten Square Plus Five – Showing Back

The back matched the fabric of the yellow square.


This is now with my new grand niece in Virginia.