Blog Archives

Basket Project – 2018-19

It started with a gift exchange at Rochester Modern Quilt Guild. We were to make a small container or basket to exchange with other members at our January meeting. Here’s the one I made for the exchange:











The interior fabric is from Mali, and the handles are riveted-on leather tabs. The pattern I found was so great, I also used it to make some Christmas gifts.


These went to my sister-in-law and husband, to coordinate with her MacKenzie-Childs collection. Handles were made from the same fabric as the binding, with wire inserts.


These cat-themed baskets were gifts for my daughter, again with the riveted leather tabs.

The pattern was designed by Anna Graham of Noodle Head Designs and can be accessed at: I changed the dimensions of the fish bowl basket here, and the Mali-lined one above, by reducing the square fabrics and innerfacings to 12-1/2″ but still used the larger dart template.  It makes a great size.

If you decide to try out this, please send me a photo of what you’ve made. I’d love to see it!


Update – Without a Sewing Machine

My hand piecing is coming along.

Six stitches loaded on the needle

Six stitches loaded on the needle

Seven Stitches Loaded on the Needle

Seven Stitches Loaded on the Needle

Loading the needle really speeds up the process. I’m taking a back stitch half way along each square to anchor the stitches. I have five blocks done and am looking at fabrics for alternate blocks.

Sixteen Patch with Auditioned Background Fabrics

Sixteen Patch with Auditioned Background Fabrics

A nice, relaxing project for TV time.

Frank’s Quilt – 1943 and 2010

This queen quilt is part modern and part vintage. The blocks were found in a wooden box with a note saying “Frank’s Quilt.” Frank was Jaye’s father, and the blocks were made by his mother, Stella Gertrude Neill Bower, from men’s shirt remnants – plaids and stripes. She used the “Square in Square” or “Economy” block design. Jaye added the blue chambray sashing and completed the quilt for the wedding of a niece in 2010.
2010 Frank's Quilt
Now owned by D. and A. Raymond.