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New-to-Me Handi Quilter 16

Yes, I have finally acquired my own long arm!


Handi Quilter 16 with 10′ Rollers

After renting time on the great long arm quilting machines at Jackie Lynn’s in Irondequoit for several quilts, I wanted to have my own machine but really couldn’t justify the price of a new one. So when a friend at Genesee Valley Quilt Club posted this older HQ16, I jumped at the chance. Turns out, another member had purchased a new Nolting, so sold his Gammill to the HQ owner, who sold the HQ to me. Rather like falling dominoes!


Handi Quilter 16 Mounted on Oak Table

It came with a double oak table instead of a metal stand, which was a job to move into the basement space for my sewing room. But there was a great spot for it there.
The staff at Jackie Lynn’s cleaned and adjusted the HQ for me, and I now have a practice piece on it to get used to the feel. It’s great to be able to leave work on it and not feel rushed to complete a project.